Uses and benefits:

Health Benefits Eating Tomatoes Everyday
One can safely say that tomato is the backbone of numerous dishes across the world.
But did you know that it also offers some incredible health benefits?
Tomatoes are everywhere!
Sauces, gravies, pizzas, juices.
Tomatoes are a staple and besides adding flavor to dishes, they're packed with nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, folate and many others.
This nutrient dense super food has a lot to offer.
But do they actually help prevent cancer?
How does it protect the heart?
Is it good for the skin?
Health Benefits Eating Tomatoes Everyday 

1. Manages blood pressure

Manages blood pressure A fast paced life and environmental toxins take a toll on everyone.
This results in hypertension and high blood pressure.
Managing blood pressure is important to keep the heart in its natural rhythm.
Other than medication the best way to do this is by eating right and adapting an active lifestyle.
Tomatoes are a great source of potassium and chlorophenol acid.
While potassium is responsible for widening the arteries, chlorophenol acid brings down blood pressure to normal levels.
Did you know that a diet high in potassium and low in salt reduces the risk of dying by 20%?
How do you keep your blood pressure in check?

2. Improves skin health

Improves skin health Tomatoes are a regular ingredient in numerous DIY face masks or homemade remedies for healthier skin.
Wondering if eating red tomatoes can give you red cheeks too?
It can do more than that for your skin health.
You can apply tomato skins topically on your face or eat them, either way your skin will thank you.
Lycopene is a type of antioxidant that gives tomatoes their red color and also protects from sunburn.
Did you know that low vitamin C can cause saggy, wrinkly skin?
The good thing is that tomatoes have several anti-ageing properties, like vitamin C, that keeps the skin wrinkle free and glowing.
Health Benefits Eating Tomatoes Everyday 

3. Manages diabetes

Manages diabetes Fruits and vegetables are the best way to manage diabetes and reduce complications.
The more fiber in your diet the better it will manage blood glucose levels.
If you suffer from regular blood sugar spikes then tomato can be just the thing.
Eating them regularly lowers inflammation and oxidative stress, some major triggers for diabetes.
Eating a caprese salad at lunch every now and then won’t immediately lower your glucose levels, however, on a long term basis would offer long term benefits.

4. Protects the heart

Protects the heart Let’s be honest, once we know something is good for the heart we immediately include it in our diets.
The reason is obvious, a happy heart means a happy you!
When it comes to nutrients the one that stands out the most is lycopene which is present in tomato, tomato products or lycopene supplements.
This antioxidant keeps the heart protected by managing blood pressure and lowering cholesterol by getting rid of bad cholesterol.
Even the inner layer of blood vessels are protected, which decreases the risk of blood clotting.
Health Benefits Eating Tomatoes Everyday 

5. Has laxative qualities

Has laxative qualities Constipation is triggered by several things, two of the top reasons being inadequate fiber in your diet or changes in diet.
It has to be one of the most common gut issues in the world.
So what’s the solution?
Eat tomatoes!
Constipation is a sign that your body is lacking fiber and water.
Tomato is packed with both a

6. Better vision

Better vision Move over carrots, it's time for tomatoes to shine!
When it comes to food that's great for vision, tomatoes are often overlooked.
Lycopene and beta carotene are two important elements in tomatoes that are present in abundance and are great for your vision.
As if you needed another reason to eat lycopene rich food, it’s shown to lower the risk of developing age related macular degeneration and even cataracts!
When picking up tomatoes, add eggs and leafy greens to the cart because both these contain two other eye healthy carotenoids.
Health Benefits Eating Tomatoes Everyday 

7. Supports weight loss

Supports weight loss Weight loss has always been a massive trend, now more than ever!
With weight loss products flooding the market, it is normal to get confused.
But nothing is better than the natural way to shed a few pounds.
Tomato juice significantly reduces body weight, body fat and waist size.
Tomatoes lower bad cholesterol which further helps with weight loss.
High in antioxidants and seriously low in calories, tomato and tomato products are a must have if it is weight loss you want.

8. Good for to-be moms

Good for to-be moms Pregnancy is a time when moms to-be get the most advice.
But there is one piece of advice that should be kept in mind while picking out food.
Vitamin C is extremely important for mom and the baby.
While it aids the formation of gums, bones and teeth, it enables Mom to process iron
better, another important nutrient during pregnancy.
Eating tomatoes everyday will increase the availability of iron in your body which is something your body needs during pregnancy.
Health Benefits Eating Tomatoes Everyday 

9.May prevent cancer

May prevent cancer Anything that may potentially lower the risk of developing cancer is a win for us!
By now you may have learned that lycopene is the superstar compound in tomatoes.
Packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, they help combat the formation of harmful free radicals.
Eating tomato rich foods every day prevents the formation of tumors and prostate cancer.
They also work well in combating the risk of cancers like ovarian, pancreatic and gastric.
Did you know that tomatoes offer 80% of dietary lycopene?
Health Benefits Eating Tomatoes Everyday 

9.Boosts vitamin content

Boosts vitamin content This may come as a surprise, but tomatoes are not popular for their rich nutritional value.
If you thought that bananas are a great source for potassium, think again!
Tomatoes will give bananas a run for their money.
Loaded with immunity building nutrients like potassium and vitamin C, eating tomatoes regularly will give a vitamin boost.
This will keep your heart beating while maintaining healthy blood pressure.
While pureed tomatoes have more potassium than a whole one, either is great.
Eating tomatoes everyday meets over 40% of your everyday vitamin C and, not to mention, the amazing health benefits.
Health Benefits Eating Tomatoes Everyday 

10. Good for the gut

Good for the gut When you think about food for the gut, tomatoes may not come to mind.
But, tomatoes are the dark horse when it comes to improving gut health.
A healthy gut is crucial for maintaining strong immunity and overall health.
Tomatoes don’t just promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut they also help to get rid of the bad bacteria.
This is due to the presence of antioxidants and probiotics.
The pre biotic effects of tomatoes are surprisingly powerful and have a positive effect on the gut.
Health Benefits Eating Tomatoes Everyday 

11. Repair damage caused by smoking

Repair damage caused by smoking Have you decided to quit smoking?
Are you looking for ways to repair the damage caused by years of smoking?
Actively making dietary changes and engaging in physical activity should be the first thing on your list.
A regular diet rich in tomatoes slows the decline of lung function among ex smokers.
Eating them over a long period of time restores the lungs to better condition by undoing the damage caused by cigarette smoke.

12. Maintain strong bones

Maintain strong bones This may come as a surprise because normally tomato is not the first food that comes to mind when you think of strengthening the bones.
Being a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals, tomatoes are hugely underrated.
They are packed with all the beneficial nutrients like calcium and vitamin K, 2 of the most vital elements for bone health.
They not only make bones strong but also perform minor repairs on the bones and tissues while also adding on bone mass.
Go ahead and include tomatoes in your meals as much as you can.
Like it or not, it's really good for you!
Health Benefits Eating Tomatoes Everyday 

13. Stronger hair

Stronger hair Nothing refuels confidence more than a head full of voluminous hair.
But do you find it difficult to find the right hair mask that suits your hair type?
You can never go wrong with tomatoes!
Tomatoes are packed with numerous vitamins and minerals.
They work wonders for your skin, and their nutrient goodness is a blessing in disguise for hair health.
Rich in vitamins A, B, C and E which are known as excellent stimulants for healthy hair.  Hair Fall?
Tomatoes have vitamin A that stops it!
They even help retain the natural shine of the hair while also treating dandruff and
scalp odour.